A while back I was asked by a Restranteur in Koln to supply some images that they could put on the walls. The Cafe/Bar was to have a Parisian feel to it and the images where to follow this theme. After some discussion we decided not to go for paintings but to actually produce 'wallpaper' designs that could be a permanent part of the design and not just look like an after thought. The Cafe is now part of the Koln scene and gets some good write ups in the local and national press. When in Koln do as the Kolnians??? do and visit the Cafe Flaneur, Friesenwall 24d, 50672 Köln, Germany
Passport magazine says"If you prefer sipping your coffee with a gayer crowd, the area around Rudolfplatz has much to offer. Right across the street from each other, Café Era and Café Flaneur are the lynchpins of the neighborhood’s gay caffeination. In summer both spots feature tables on the sidewalk, while wintertime points up their differences, from the deeply-hued and modern/stark look of Era to the French-themed Flaneur with its map of Paris scrawled across the wall. More coffee? More sweets? "